Boulder Belt Eco-Farm
2024 Farm Share Information
Endless Share 35 weeks; runs April 2025 through December 2025
A share gets you 5 items a week. Many of our member buy multiple shares to to get the amount of food they need for a week.
Eaton $1000
Oxford $1100 (include delivery fee)
To be considered for the Endless share you must have already been a member of the BBEF farm share for at least a year or another CSA for at least two years
Vernal Share 8 weeks; the first week of May through the end of June
A Share gets you five items a week. if five items are not enough for your weekly produce fix you can order two or more shares. Expect leafy greens, peas, salad greens, broccoli and asparagus and more in this period
Eaton $240 per share
Oxford and Richmond $265 per share (includes delivery Fee)
Summer Share 8 weeks July and August
A share is five items each week. You can buy multiple shares if a single share is not enough for your weekly produce needs. Expect watermelon zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, beets, cucumbers and green beans, among other crops
Eaton $240
Oxford and Richmond $265
Autumn Share 8 weeks September and October. A share get five teems each week. You can buy more than one share to suit your needs. Expect melons, tomatoes, green beans, peppers, onions, salad green, etc
Eaton Share $240
Richmond and Oxford Share $265
Late Autumn Share Nov through December. A Share gets five items. You can buy multiple shares.
Expect leafy greens, tomatoes, salad greens, garlic, winter squash, leeks, peppers, peas, carrots, potatoes, turnips, and much more.
Eaton Share $240
Richmond and Oxford Share $265