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 Boulder Belt Eco-Farm

Farm Share Initiative


The Boulder Belt Farm Share Initiative is a nearly year-round CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm. 2025 is our 31st year, making us the oldest CSA farm in the region. We grow over 50 different crops, on our regenerative farm. We have two high tunnels and over 250 100' x 4' beds on our 9-acre farm where we produce clean food.


Build Your share! 


Boulder Belt Farm Share Initiative is all about flexibility members get to choose what goes in their shares each week. We send out a newsletter each week with a list of what's available that week. You send back your order of exactly what you want. We pack it and you pick it up and eat it.


We offer four 8 week shares;

Vernal (May & June)

Summer (July & August)

Fall (Sept & October)

Late Autumn Share (November & December). 


 A share gets five items weekly. 


An" item" is a unit of food. Generally an item will be a multiple of what you would buy at the farmers market from us. For example 2 bunches of asparagus, 2 bags of greens/salad, 2+ boxes of berries. If the season is bountiful so will be the shares.


We have 2 pick-up sites.

Oxford: MOON Co-op Wednesdays after 6pm

Eaton: Boulder Belt Eco-Farm farm Monday after 5 PM



All deliveries to our Farm Share host site in Oxford are done in an electric vehicle



For a lot more info, check out these pages

What we grow/Offer

Why Join the Boulder Belt FSI?

FSI Overview



















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